This the season to be abandoning dogs. I have two new fellows looking for a great home. Both are HDB approved breeds so please help me spread the word.

Pa brought Bruno and me to go take a look at the poor fellows. We really couldn't wait to meet up with them.

Bruno doesn't really remember but he himself has been re-homed to Pa. Its just great he is happy now and just wants to help out.

Sometimes I just wonder what goes on in his little head of his... However... this post is about two abandon dogs needing a new home. SPREAD THE WORD!

Meet Fifi. She is about 4-5 years old Salt and Pepper Schnauzer. She is very small in size, only slightly bigger than
Nikki the Brave.

She has a very nice coat and structure... and she doesn't make any nice... till she goes for a walk outside... then she whines a bit. I'm sure that could be easily corrected.

She was abandoned because her first owner got pregnant. Then again her second owner left her for the same reason. She is a sweet affectionate girl that is pretty much calm and socialized.

This is Whiskey. a 1.5 year old Salt and Pepper male Schnauzer. He has probably never been groomed since his owner got him.

Threatened to be put to sleep, the 21 year old owner told the fosterer that if he doesn't want to take the dog right now, that's what he'll do. He doesn't care for the dog at all. Uncle Kelvin (the Fosterer) would probably bring Whiskey down for a bath and grooming by next week Wednesday. Whiskey sure seems socialized and a pretty sweet dog. Much to Pa's surprise.

I was however more skeptical, so I tested them myself. They do taste a little funny, but ok at the same time. They definitely pass the Bear Test.
So both these dogs need urgent homes asap. Please contact Pa via email at Please spread the message as fast as you can! Thank you.
Is 7th month a bad month for doggies? Anyway, I'm sure they'll be as pretty as me when they're groomed :)
Is that a Rottweiler? If so, it is not a HDB approved breed, please do not mislead others.
Mr Anonymous, can you read English? Nikki states "Whiskey and Fifi for adoption" and these two has been introduced as 4.5 yrs and 1+ year old SCHNAUZER respectively. The rottweiler featured is named BRUNO.
1. Bear Bear and Bruno are not up for adoption.
2. They are also not Rottweilers. They are really Chi wa wa's in disguise.
3. The two schnauzers in question were also eaten as a quick dinner snack.
Anonymous is poor in English.. He can't read. I found someone that is worse off than me.
Oh great, now people think I look like Bear. Should have asked godpa not to cut my fur so short! In case anyone's still confused, I'm a dog writing my own blog. Hmmm, will I confuse more humans? :)
Hello! Are you sure your rottweilers are chiwawas in disguise? Omg, they're adorable! And i totally love rottweilers! They're like the sweetest dogs ever. :) I have one too. :)
helloo.. is whiskey still up for adoption?
May I know if the dog is still available for adoption?
You can contact me thru Thanks
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