I remember that it was widely debated just how badly Mambo was injured... and whether or not the issue was blown out of proportion. The following pictures if true are a confirmation on the severity of the attack, as well as the exact fear both dog and owner feel when the pack of 5 attacked.
This is a testament to anyone who wants to have a dog. Be responsible. Socialise your dogs well. If you are not willing to learn how to, or do not have the time to do so, then for God's sake, do not own dogs.
As a disclaimer, these pictures may or may not be Mambo's injuries. Any resemblance to any living creature alive or dead is purely coincidental. The source of these pictures are kept strictly confidential. View the following pictures at your own discretion. Do not link your blog or dlogs with these pictures. If you like, just ask people come to this entry directly. No permission would be given to post these pictures up any public forum or any other blog/dlog etc. or similar media printed or digital.