What a FANTASTIC WEEKEND! Happy Birthday Ariel! This is the Beautiful Birthday Girl Ariel and we met at the Botanical Gardens on Sunday! All 7 years old, she is one of the sweetest things I have chewed on for the longest time!

Here is Ariel and her Daddy... the Mummy is like a busy bee, hardly having even the time to take a picture with Ariel... But the Party turned out GREAT!

The weather was hot and PERFECT. We had an excellent spot in the shade and we had a fantastic crowd... As always, everyone was a little apprehensive, but after a short announcement from Pa about who and what we are... there was truly no more hesitation... just lots and lots of cuddling!

Adults and children alike, we were smothered! It was a great time we arrived too... The games were just done and everyone was about to have some food.

The Kids were entirely FEARLESS and they simply walked right up to us and started playing and playing and playing...

We of course obliged with the numerous photo opportunities and did our best to make others look good! Look at just how tiny they are!

I have a feeling Ariel especially likes me better over Bruno... she did spend more time with me!

But Bruno had his own fans of course... and he milked every single moment.

Suddenly I was asked to bring these girls for a walk? And Bruno wasn't allowed to do so... That because he was still prone to distraction and well... what am I to do?

So I brought the girls out for a walk and they all got super excited... you'll think they have never gone for a walk before...

Apparently I heard Pa complain that he never has this effect on girls... But hey... really... I'm just simply way cuter than he is.

but the CAKE was the BOMB! the massive cake was delicious!... Ermmm... hee hee hee....

Bruno was fascinated with silly soap bubbles... I was just waiting for one to burst in his eye... that would teach him not to play with soap!

After that it was snack time... Pa brought some food with him and we ate rather happily... The girls were even happy to watch us eat.... patting and trying their darnest to get us to play with them again.

The day came to a close way too soon... we had a group photo and every soon after that.. everyone started to leave... but it was a great day no matter.

A group of cute girls were looking at us all this time and surprised us when they asked to take a photo with us... we of course were more than happy to do so... and BOY were they totally comfortable with us! I hope they see us soon. YUMMY!

We can't wait to be invited to other functions. WOOHOO!
A little Nigel update, the bandages and e-collar are off. He is back successfully on solids and seems to be on the road to full recovery. We thank everyone who has had their thoughts on him all this time. He is not making any public appearances right now... as his fur is pretty ugly. Once he is ready, we will bring him out again...