SPCA has also been informed... but strangely no one seems to be looking for him. If you know someone that is missing their mini schnauzer, please ask them to contact Pa with the Pushme app at the sidebar directly into his iPhone.
More details for rehoming after confirmation from AVA!
Shaggy is REGISTERED! Pa has contacted the owner and have spoken to the her as well. He will be reunited with his family soon! They didn't know who to turn to, that is why they hoped someone (like Pa) will scan for the microchip and find them eventually!

Shaggy has been reunited with his original owner and he seems really happy to see him. This story has a happy ending! Found out that Shaggy is really about 6 years old! He must have had some mid-life crisis and wondered away then!
We hope to see Shaggy soon running around as he did with us over the weekend! I'm sure he had a whole bunch of fun! BYE SHAGGY!!!