Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006

As promised, these are some pictures of Fei's Birthday Party!
This is one of Fei's sister trying to steal my thunder.
This is another "I'm SO CUTE" picture. Isn't Eve pretty? I could eat her all up! Check out my paws...they're probably as big as her hands!
This is Fei and I in a couple shot. Everyone wanted in!
I was quite the stud of the party... well.. because I was only 1 of 2 male dogs there! Everyone was giving me all the secret glances and tail wags. Talking about feeling like a STAR.
Over here is Eve's and Pa's favourite picture! It looks as if Fei is asking me "what are you look at??" In reality, I was actually checking out the rest of the girls there... and she felt that not enough attention was given to her...
When confronted, of course I had to let her know that I have only eyes for her and that the rest didn't matter!
Also, a shout out to Butch & Snickers! for being the first (that I know) to place my icon on your link list!!!
I have to just say that it definately looks cool.
Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm happy with my Pa's philosophy of "Feed-until-cannot-eat and Sleep-all-Day-until-play-time."
There were all sorts of Dogs at the Dog show. Some came in very unusual means. They weren't allowed to mingle with the rest of the Dogs. I know parents that do not even let their babies walk on the floor...and carry them all the way. This is because apparently the baby would sleep on their beds.
Pa never let me into his room...much less the bed. I wonder why. I've told Pa I really do not mind being carried all the time.
Pa says that its for my own good. He also said that many pampered dogs suffer from muscle atrophy (whatever THAT is) and will be unable to move properly.
I think about my wrestling matches with Jaffe, Angel, Baileys... and I decided that muscle atrophy is not my thing.
This is a Bull Mastiff. Big Brother Bull was really strong. The owner you can see here is spraying some sort of a scent to make him smell better. I thought he smelt ok already. He was calm, collect and pretty well-behaved compared to the rest of the dogs.
The owner told Pa that when I reach 9 months of age, I must constantly go swimming as it is better than running long distances. I'm still not sure whether I LIKE SWIMMING...but after looking at Brother Bull, I think I would give it another try.
This is a Doberman. And that's me you see at the bottom of the picture. I was fascinated at how badly behaved he was and yet the owner was all smiles!
Ok.. he wasn't that badly behaved...but he kept trying to sit on me. It's something new to me... Maybe I should have nipped him on the rear.
His Pa had to put him on a halter leash...apparently its suppose to be able to control him better.
RIGHT. And lastly, there was this grey Great Dane. He reminds me of a very old man with pretty good patience. Wish I had more time to get to know him. But his Pa was pretty strict about who he meets.
OK! more Fei & Eve's birthday party tomorrow!
Thursday, October 26, 2006

After that...(and some help from Pa) his muzzle was off...and its time for our revolu.....er......
Dammit. Now i have to work on the leash.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Water is always sweeter in someone else's bowl
I'm here at the Pasir Ris Dog Run that everyone has been talking about. Free water baths and shampoo and everything.... Pa is thinking seriously about bringing me here to play with the water before another trip to the ocean.
Even with the new Thermo Water Bottle with nice sweet cool water, somehow, water simply taste better when the other doggies are drinking from it as well. Well, of course some of my canine pals would disagree....
But hey! its just me.
And as mentioned before...
And this is Fei. She's pretty cute and all... but i tell you....Eve, her mom is definately cuter. Fei was in a bad mood that day...probably from birthday blues and being 7 years older and stuff... But her mom was ALL giggly from my kisses!
I've got more pictures to put up later... HEEEEEeeee....WOOF!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I bet they'll both taste different. I'll have to try of course before I decide who taste better.
Cheater....I hope your mom and dad would come down to Bishan Park soon in the evenings. I can hardly wait.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I was reading Brody's blog about his military missons and stuff...dun understand most of it except...
Mild Narcolepsy....Brody has a sleeping disease!
Main Entry: nar·co·lep·sy Function: nounInflected Form(s): plural -siesis a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally. At various times throughout the day, people (or dogs) with narcolepsy experience fleeting urges to sleep. If the urge becomes overwhelming, patients fall asleep for periods lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. In rare cases, some people may remain asleep for an hour or longer.Then I realise....I have a sleeping disease TOO!!! I have Severe Narcolepsy!
I sleep not for 1 or 2 hours...but ALL THE TIME!!
These are some more proof that I am sick and that I need more rest...
HELP!!! is there any cure? Will that be the END of BEAR?? Stay tuned next time....on
Bear Bear...the Fearsome Rottie.
Monday, October 09, 2006

Now... how come noone bothered to tell me that a Newpaper reporter would be going to the Dog Run?
Look at all the dogs running off with the side profiles...not 1 good shot. I would have given my best front side and be the Darling of Singapore Dogs!
This is just not fair. I want my picture ON THE PAPERS!

Wow...look at Jaffe's mom then...Kawai!!
I wonder what happened.
Sigh... I must work harder and be the number 1 Dlog in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! And then I will take over the World and FREE THE ROTTIES!!!
until then...I shall continue concentrate growing up.
Sunday, October 08, 2006

I wonder how the bunny is feeling.
I also met up with GUINESS!! the other Rottie!! She unfortunately has had an accident from home, so her leg wasn't feeling to well....
I was telling her to come to the Bishan Dog run more often as it would help her stretch out and socialise better. I think and I hope I will see her more often in the future!!A Shout out to GUINESS!!!!
Pa was also bitten by a Japanese Attack / Hunting dog.... an Akita Shiba mix....he'll write more about it later....but he doesn't think he would ever go back to West Coast Park Dog Run again.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Pa says if he every gets this one...he would be hard press to give him another name other from Bear.Even his tiny paws looks like a Bear.
But I reminded Pa that Chows Chows will never be as good and useful and clever and handsome and smart and lively (debatable I know) and caring as me.
Pa totally agrees.
Bah. Its now nap time....Going to the park later?
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

Pa really didn't know whether to go up to him to tell him....
a) this is a beach and there are MANY other dogs around.
b) I am really not that big. Maybe the fellow couldn't see me properly
c) I wasn't even going near his kids. Just shaking off the water.
So Pa just sat in the water to see what will happen. And I...thought...HEY! so friendly! I'm wet and you still wanna hug me?
But Pa say I cannot anyhow hug strangers. So I sat right down at his feet.
The big guy stood down there with his hands held to his sides for another good 20+ secs before he realise that he looks a little stupid.
Anyway Pa also met quite a few friends down there...some by accident. Maybe I will see some of you guys down there this coming SUNDAY!
For Jaffe's mom....I'm 12.5kg