Another news video that is full of misinformation. Sigh.
I will rip and tear, i will not back down. I am big and strong, i will be the way. Vive la Revolution. Lead us all to freedom.
Enhanced Control for All dogsThis is music to my ears. It is totally fair and the requirements are there is see. Lets see now... Bruno was bitten by that Golden... I was bitten by that Chihuahua, Schnauzer... Hummm... I'll even complain on Nigel the Maltese...
6 Regardless of the breed, any dog that initiates an unprovoked attack and caused injury to a person or animal, will be subjected to one or more of the following control measures, depending on the severity of the bite :
- The dog must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
- The dog must undergo obedience training
- The dog must be microchipped
- Premises where the dog is kept must be secured to prevent its escape
- The owner must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
- The owner must take up a banker’s guarantee of $2,000
- Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non- compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $2,000.
Cruel Tyrone McCalla, 29, also left the dog in a small room for a week when he went on holiday - with just one bowl of food and one of water.
The dog called Rahib could barely walk when rescued - and was hunchbacked with a bent spine.
One rescue worker said it was the worst case she had seen in nine years.
The RSPCA had been called to McCalla's home in Aston, West Midlands, after a tip-off.Photos taken by inspectors showed two cages, with Rahib in one. The unlit cage was so small the dog could not stand properly and was terribly emaciated. When Rahib was removed by the RSPCA he was overwhelmed by the outside world.
McCalla never took the dog for a walk. But he told Birmingham magistrates he let him out in the laundry room twice a week and shared food with him.
He was convicted of three charges of failing to feed and keep a dog properly.
In an RSPCA interview read out in court, McCalla said he thought the dog was a puppy and was too young to go for a walk.
He told the court: "I treat my puppy the way I want to treat it."
As well as the ban, McCalla was given a three-month curfew.
Speaking afterwards, RSPCA Inspector Herchran Boal said: "When we took the dog from the house he was so overwhelmed by everything, a leaf, grass, a tree. We all had tears in our eyes."
Rahib, now renamed Jet, has a new home and has fully recovered.
It angers me that there are such people around... and that they can blame us instead. No jail time... no big fine. Just a 3 month curfew and a lifetime ban. A little light if you ask me. Look at how Jet looks now. Proud and beautiful. With mental problems? Very likely but not his fault.
Not his fault.