Nigel in his new dressing... apparently he has been doing pretty well. I even saw him able to open his mouth... And good news is this this coming friday we are able to hopefully remove the terrible stitches and feeding tube.

He seems to have retained most if not all of his good humor. Still asking for belly rubs etc. Can't wait for him to be all good and better. It has been a tough lesson and tougher time for Nigel. Thanks to those that cared for him lots and asked after him all the time... As for those that did not, I know your thoughts were with us... no matter how brief. =)
Oooo.... Valentines Day is coming... and we have been invited to several parties... Should we go?
Yeah! Just in time for Valentine's. Parties would be nice for Nigel if there are familiar dogs.
That's good that Nigel is beginning to get better. How terrible for him. :(
I'll send some healing energy his way.
Go go for V day parties! Why not? :)
Hi there, so glad you are getting better :)
Glad Nigel is recovering well:)
So glad Nigel is better. Been praying for him. Will take him off the list now. haha
Tell your pa he NEEDS to go.
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