Just to let you guys know... I simply love to take down other dogs...big or small. But Pa say I cannot do that... and that better take down the bigger dogs as they are tougher.
There is one exception. Jaffe Boy according to Pa is free game. I shall train harder to keep up with him. Maybe one day we will team up to get to other dogs.
Anyway, to Brody, I'm only 3 months old now. Pa says its too young to form ideals and join the army, but he promises that if that is my interest, he will support me in the future.
To Jaffeboy, I know you had a lot to do with my comments in the earlier posts... and Pa says its simple marketing. Because you took 3 months to establish your blog, I simply rub some of that popularity off on mine. And I am only a monster 3 months old puppy. By defination, I am cuter.
Pa also said something about him being pretty cute and good looking also....
Bah... *waves paw*
So bored without you in the park. You have to come back for "lesson" soon. Practise practise practise.
Hahaha....I'll be leaving for China on Thursday, so he will only be back next week Monday.
Hi Bear Bear
Finally, we get to meet another Black/Black tan doggy from Singapore. You're a beauty, bear bear!
Nice meeting you and welcometo Dogs with Blogs.
Eve and Fei
Rottie already do not have good reputation around the world. Perhaps stop learning how to bully other dogs will help?
Hi, Your name is really bear bear?
You look cute for a rottie. :)
~ fufu
Aiyo Anon...
relax lah.
Bear Bear -
Yes - you must enjoy your puppyhood. And your dad is wise to recognize this. However, there may come a time when the revolution needs a ripping tearing fearsome Bear Bear! Till then, young Padawan!
Bear, how long will your Pa be away?! U can ask any nice aunty or uncle to bring you there?! We have alot of moves to practise. At the speed that you are growing, we'll need to speed things up abit.
I need to run through with you the different treatment for friends & foes too!
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