What to do? Semi-Pro only... Hence his entire weekend was work work work. Kaiser here was a prime example of the mood during the competition.
He was sunburnt good and proper too. Yum.
The Participants really gave it their all. Some of them were so focused like Tina and Buddy here that they practically were on auto-pilot. The drive and look with the teamwork is priceless.
Lucky here needed of course a little encouragement going up that scary plank. His handler even had to sing him his birthday song just to get him to walk the plant.
Big or small sized dog, everyone was encouraged and entertained. Advanced or Basic, everyone had a great time.
The event wouldn't have been possible without volunteers that went to support the event and to help out with the logistics!
Of course, not everything went according to plan... Some were just not in the mood...
Some were just really not in the mood. It made a great photo though...
At the end of the day, everyone was really happy at the ribbons and awards that was given out...
It really made all the training and long hours worth it!
Even the guest of honor had a little something and boy we can see just how he likes it! Thanks again Kenneth! Come back to Singapore soon!
As for me, I did what I do best. It was too damn hot anyway.
Great pictures! Oh poor doggie, he sure was not in the mood to do it properly. I too do that sometimes...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wah.. very nice pictures... got more to show? I want to see all the exciting pictures!
Hi Bear Bear, Great Agility work out ... too bad such a hot day ... regards from Casey and Peanut !!
How come your Pa got invited? I thought he kena banned from all those doggie forums liao :X
*cough cough*
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