Pa disappeared for 2 days without me! He told me I couldn't go again. Why can't dogs have passports??

Pa brought all his expensive equipment to Thailand only to have it rain... and rain... and rain. So he could only take a few photos on his trusty Sony T30.

Somewhere is Chinatown. Pa got kinda lost I think... and he was happily walking where he wasn't suppose to I think.

This is a little something for Godma. She likes all the strange stuff toys. So when Pa saw this, he just had to get this ugly thing for her.

Tiger and me were playing ball and I got so frustrated with her always getting the ball cause she cheats by jumping into the pool. So I jumped in too!

No I did not trip and fall in.

*blop blop blop*


Com'on.. whose next? I promise I dunch bite. hard.
Awww, that was not fair! According to my mommy, she said Thailand is very nice & Thais looove doggies. There's a Chatucat market there too & they sell lots of pedigree puppies. I wonder where they got them from? I love that picture of you with a ball in your mouth...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Sorry you couldn't go to Thailand.
We loved the pics - especially the ones of you in the pool - you are so handsome Bear!
your pictures look good!!
Poor Bear! -kisses-
Thank your Pa for me... I LOVE THE STUFFED TOY! Heh.
I miss you Bear...
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