Monday, January 17, 2011

Donut aka Prince has been successfully adopted...

A first shout out to Stella the Mini STAR! Auntie Grace has decided that Stella should have her own blog too and i think its starting off just great!Good news! Donut aka Prince has been successfully adopted! Looks like he will be going to a great home!This was his first initial meet-up with the new parents and kids! Everyone was a little shy and nervous at first... but it wasn't long before all were best of friends!
This is just great! Thank you everyone for helping us out to spread the word! Prince will be loved the right way now!


Unknown said...

the picture of Prince grants her the prerogative to be called as prince.
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Dog Sitting Los Angeles said...

Really happy to see a good family adopt Prince ...

lildogomine said...

I am so glad she has found her forever home. I decided to share that site I've been wagging about

dog fence said...

The family has grown some more! He looks like a real sweetie.

dog containment systems said...

Poor you! Come here & stay with us. We will play with you.