No... its not a practical joke. Apparently too much swimming causes ear infections... especially when Pa doesn't dry my ears often enough. Now I can't go swimming for the next 3 months... Vet's orders.

These are the studio photos that were taken of me and bruno... Which one is your fav picture? This one reminds me of some 60's looking off into the sunset photo.

This is a standard full frontal picture. I am beautiful.

Just a funny picture... Looks very innocent hor?

Bruno and Me. Good Brothers now.

Single test firing... Man... we both look too good.

And of course... moi.
Sorry about the ear infection - I should maybe remember that next time HM is drying my ears for me!!
Those photos are absolutely AMAZING!!!!!! You are both look absolutely magnificent!
WOW!!! Those photos are pawsome!!! The 1st two ones look like paintings to me. They all are just really NICE! Who's the photographer? We need mommy to hire him to take photos of us too!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Bear2 and Bruno so handsome! (At least thats what my mom said...)
Yoz Bear Bear & Bruno!I saw fridge magnets with your picture on them when i visited Unker Lundy and they are totally cool!
Did your pa get any for your fridge at home?
heyy!! where did you take those photos!? it's great!!!
Harlow Weilinggg...
taken by Lundy.
Men @ Work.
You take nice pictures too....Bimbo.
(Before other people scold me, I would like to state that she has requested to be called such....
found on her blog...
But you can call me a bimbo.
I'm in this world because I'm out to destroy everybody's lives.
Which by the way...My surname is Haw. Fwah.... quite a coincidence wor.
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