Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Rotties can be rather graceful! Thanks to uncle John!
Think it would look good on my Pa's wall?
I think it would!
Maybe Honda will pay Uncle John something! Cause the Jazz is great for furkids!
Is it time for the story of how Uncle John took such great pictures of Princess?
Maybe in the next installment of pictures!


Simba and Jazzi said...

I so need a new someone to take photos like that for my blog.

Simba xx

Anonymous said...

we especially like the first pic of bear jumping over the drain. your camera must be really fast to catch him in mid air like that!

Peanut said...

That first picture is great.

Luna said...

Very nice shots!! Black/white really goes with it.. classic =) That 1st 3 photos will looks great on the wall.

The Brat Pack said...

Wow, what gorgeous pics!

The Brat Pack

e said...


Anonymous said...

Nice! I like the "dog whisperer" one... WOW I'm impressed by John's works. Btw nice meeting up again today. It's the 2nd time we meet. Hope to see u again more often :D

Kevin the Collie said...

Excellent pix, bear. Mum says she still prefers the photo of you in the swimming pool. I have it in my 'doggie friends' display on my blog.
