This post is for my Pa. And also as a BIG THANK YOU to Fei & Eve.
DanX and DebB were Pa's dogs before me. If you want to know what happened to them, you can go to Fei's blog to find out more or click HERE to see the All Blacks Wall of Fame.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to immortalise them on your page. They would have liked it and honestly they deserved no less.
We all know that all Dogs go to Heaven.
Does anyone know where can I get a sort of stone or resin plaque which I can have it made for Pa? They are buried properly, but without a stone marker of sorts.

Remembered always till the end of our time.
Hi Bear,
I saw your pic on Herbie's blog.. My dad thinks you look real cute and would definitely live up to your name when you are all grown up! (He had a rottie too but he's now gone to doggy heaven)..
Huskee Boy
hey bearbear,
thanks for dropping by my blog! :)
i've linked you too. my human loves rotties (although they're often a misunderstood breed) and would love to have one of 'em macho-looking males which i believe you'll grow up to be!!!
catch you soon!!
Oh Bear boy, you are SOOO adorable. I'm so sorry about your Pa's dogs....I don't understand how people can be so cruel sometimes. Well, at least he has you now to cheer him up and protect him (when you grow up buddy).
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hugs to your Pa, Bear. Be extra nice to him tonight okay - give him some extra licks and hugs....
Thanks everyone.
If you guys know where I can get a stone marker or something done up, please let me know.
Its great to know there are so many people out there that loves dogs.
awww what a cute photo of bear!!
I got a bit upset today after someone had commented that my BLACK DOGS ARE SPECIAL tribute/campaign thing was silly.
The person didnt understand why people would discriminate against black dogs and thought that I had based that on ill informed information. I suppose us being animal lovers can't understand that there are certain dogs and cats which will be discriminated by their breed and colour.
Anyhow, I still find it inspiring to share tell stories of how 'scary, unloved' black dogs have found happy homes.
p.s. How is Bear with the fish you have? Does he chase them or want to jump into their pond?
Maybe you could ask at the cemeteries here in Singapore about getting a stone marker done up?
Send hugs and kisses to Bear!
Fei & E
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