Saturday, December 30, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

That is until the Fancy dress contest. Pa had this Bumble Bee Bear idea... but I suspect it was probably the only thing he happen to see and probably cheap enough for me to wear.
It must be obvious to you I am not thrilled.

To add salt to injury, the thing even had a little stinger at the end where my tail used to me. Pa knows i've always been a little sensitive about that.
But I guess the good news was that I WON that contest!!! and Ray from Urban Pooch presented a $10 voucher to Pa for his next visit to Urban Pooch! Even Ray said I was plenty cute. Ok... i do feel slightly better.
Not as better as having a WHOLE LOG CAKE from Urban Pooch ($14) all to myself. I gobbled up the entire thing and it tasted great. That was MY present from Pa for Christmas.
While Pa was really happy about himself to think up of such an "innovative" outfit, I promptly pulled up the website Bee Dogs to let Pa take a look but mainly to burst his bubble.
A WHOLE website dedicated to Dogs wearing Bee Suits. Wow.
Pa had no choice but to send my picture in as well.
Friday, December 22, 2006

Proof that all bears sleep the same way.
I have had people come up to me that this is bad for the legs and that is bad for my hips.
I now have proof that the way I sleep is NATURAL.
If it happens in nature, then I'm ok with it.
Merry Christmas one and all!
Pa says in America people use "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings" instead of "Merry Christmas" due to religious sensitivities.
If its Christmas, its Christmas. There is absolutely no harm is wishing each other that. Pa was giving a Muslim woman a short lift to the main road after he picked up his documents from AVA, and he and the Muslim woman wished each other Merry Christmas.
Pa is not a Christian and obviously so is the Muslim woman. If this is the only place in the world this can happen, then I am proud to be Singaporean. Now... all this place needs is a revolution.
Viva la revolution.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Of course it wasn't just work work work....We also played chase the Ball into the Water and Pirates looking for buried Treasure. Jaffe looked so hard that he went to other people's sitting place and grabbed a couple of pieces of You Tiao (Chinese Deep-Fried Dough Fritters. Lucky Bugger.)
I also met Angel the Black Lab and another Chocolate Lab. Can't remember his name though. They were pretty fun to be with as they were big dogs as well. Pa doesn't really care when I play with big dogs.
"Go kill them." is what he says to me....
...err.... or is it "Go kill him (me)."??
I better clarify with Pa.
Thursday, December 07, 2006

Curious about everything...
There was so many things to see there... I loved to look at these little fellows...
I wonder what these are... and when Pa is going to buy a pet of my own. I've been telling him I wouldn't mind a Rabbit or...or...this cute little fellows. I promise I'll take GOOD care of them daddy! Really really.
Everyone was pretty pleased to see me
Why are human's so difficult? I enjoy meeting new people and I can see some humans pretty much enjoy meeting me too. Being pretty well-recieved at Pet Lovers but just a couple of steps away, outside at the mall, I become the big black monster.
I'm paper trained damn it. Some kids I know aren't even close to that.
Meet Cash the JRT at Dogaholics
She's pretty snappy... but in reality she pretty much likes to play. Imagine a JRT and a Rottie running around playing catch.
You get the idea.
I sampled some of the "food" there as well. Check out the Wall behind me. Dogoholics actually has a label on the wall system that enables them to stock their items properly and only bring them out when needed. This saves space and constant dusting of the products. Also the stuff can be kept in a proper environment.
Located at 519 Serangoon Road, the cafe is runned by June who is Cash the JRT's mummy. I cannot remember what the other fellow's name is... (didn't catch it cause he kept humping me when he could hardly reach up high enough...) his mum was pretty cute though.
Pa also adds to say that you have gotta try the mango slurpee. Its pretty good... and the deep fried cheese sticks. The deep fried mushrooms could have tasted better if they were fresh ones instead of the dried ones.
And this is the Chef of Dogaholics... its pretty strange for her to be petting me because according to June, she was terrified of Rotties.
However, once June brought her out... she and I had no problems getting along. She told June with one look that she knew I would be sweet and friendly to her. I just have that sort of face.
She's right.
Monday, November 27, 2006

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
- Keep your cool you have a job to do.
- Do not waste time screaming at the dogs. It hardly ever works.
- Your goal is still the same; you must break up the fight without getting hurt.
- Go get a leash (allow the fight to continue while you do this).
- Dogs are almost always locked onto one another. Walk up and loop the leash around the back loin of the dog by either threading the leash through the handle or use the clip.
- Now slowly back away and drag the dog to a fence or to an object that you can tie the leash to.
- By doing this, you effectively create an anchor for one of the dogs.
- Then walk around and grab the back legs of the second dog and drag it away from the dog that is tied up. Remember to turn and circle as they release.
- Drag the dog into a dog pen or another room before you release the back legs.
- Go back and take the dog off the fence and put him or her into a dog kennel.
- Sit down and have a stiff drink (or two).
You can visit his site to take a look just how badly injured you can get if you get inbetween two dogs without knowing what to do. Trying to pry open another dogs mouth and hitting with a branch is definately not the answer.

The Best thing is of course...make love...not fights. Whats wrong with sharing?
By the way, for those who are keeping track, I'm almost 19kg.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006
It was only a short time ago I featured her... last month in fact. Pa and I were planning to go see her soon actually. This has been a terrible month for us puppies. Its really hard to see why this has to happen. Guinness I'm sure has gone to a better place. And it would be there she waits to reunite with her mummy again.
The Rainbow BridgeJust this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....-(Author Unknown)
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pa was so sure that being the camwhore he was, he would have taken some pictures of sweet cody... but he couldn't find any, so he's using Jaffe's pictures. Here you see baby Cody lying beside Jaffe at the Dog run.
It has been hardly a few days since we last saw him... and now he is gone.
Cody's like the cutest thing ever! Not a single bad bone in his body. He was cheerful and good natured... very much so the promise of a bright doggie future. The times i played with him, he was never afraid or shy. He was truly having the perfect temprement of a big dog.
Cody at 3.5 months was already packing in the pounds. I was even afraid he would be catching up to me pretty soon. Even Kaylie was pretty impressed with him.
Its dark and stormy now... its a perfect day.
A perfect day for mourning.
Dear God,
At times like these I believe you exist
If You could only spare the time
To let my pet lie down beside Your feet,
If You could pat his head and let him in
Or send an angel to the gate to meet him
When he comes, lost and forlorn;
If you could help in any way,
I would be glad
For he had never been alone until today,
And even in Heaven, I know he will be sad
Without my voice to chase his fears away.
He'll miss our reassuring had upon his head.
You see, we were inseparable, and now
He will not undersand this being dead.
I do not understand it well, myself.
O please, dear God, give him a place to wait
Through the long years, a patient ghost,
Until the day I meet him at Your gate.
-A little prayer from an atheist
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"So what's up Kaylie? Heard about your Graduation and all, no party?"
"Oh Phooey." She said. "I'm inbetween classes now and I'm so bored. I am so glad you came. I've missed you so much. You're like the only dog around there that gives me time or day to play with me."
"Oh really?" I was amused. "I'm real happy to see too. What a fiesty little thing you've grown into."
"Since you're SO BORED... let me teach you something new... com'on to a quieter corner of the Dog Run... We wouldn't want your mom to watch this."
"SURE! I'm so bored I'll learn anything."
"Ok... Even your brother isn't really allowed to learn this... Pay attention now...I'm teething now, so it'll look more impressive in the future.
First... Pull up your lips like that to show that little hint of teeth... Not too much at first... but enough to show your attention... After that you can go all the way like..."
"...Like this?"
Wooh... She's a real fast learner.
Monday, November 06, 2006

Just wanted to highlight to you guys about Jay's Christmas Party that is coming up.
it would be great if plenty of people turned up!!
wish that everyone that decides to attend would buy something for other people's dogs. so if you're bringing 2 dogs, you should buy 2 pressies for the exchange!!! i can't wait!!!
I managed to get to the dog run today! I met up with some old fav. buddies including Baileys and his missing mummy! I was fooling around with another dog today and Baileys got down right JEALOUS!
Wow...a doggie fight over me. I'm really so treasured! I even have some new stuff...I'll take a couple of pictures and post them up later!
Its been a long day. I'll be turning in soon. Hope you guys all had fun today.