Dogs dogs and MORE dogs! Meet the luckiest 3 huskies in Singapore. Pa says they have the patientiest owners ever... but that also meant this 3 ran the house. Well... no more of that nonsense. For the first time ever, they had to stay in a SINGLE position. And now... their owners are equipped with the knowledge on how to control 3 huskies at a go.
Alistar, the husky on the right with the blind right eye, was a pretty badly abused dog. By now, she would have had about 7 owners. Reason is... well... the first one apparently blinded her... so now when pushed, she will bite. Bite to draw blood.
The fosterer was bitten as well... but she didn't give up. Good news is that she seems to have been rehomed successfully to a new family. Hopefully that would be her real final home.

Meet Uri. or Uranus von Heisenburg. This beauty was just adopted by Uncle Josh. It took just one look for Uncle Josh and dad to make up their minds about this lovely boy. However, his previous owner did not allow Uri to interact with other dogs before... and hence... he still behaves very much so like a puppy.

Uri is currently undergoing strict training with Pa and Uncle Josh. Hopefully he would be socialized soon!

In the last month or so... we also met some really charming little people that rarely were not afraid of us.... This little girl's mother was ashen white at first... but at the urging of Pa, she felt at ease and was relaxed even when she tried to grab Bruno's tongue.

She even fed water to the Bruno and was totally at ease. Hope we get to meet more little people like these!